SPACEGOATS - Knowledge Base
Accounting & Billing
Galaxy Update to Match the New Accounting System
When will I receive my free month from the promotion code?
When will I receive my bonus for recommending a new customer?
How much do you pay me for my products and what is this price composed of?
Why do you pay me this price for my products?
How is the selling price of the products that I am selling to SPACEGOATS made up?
What does the invoice number look like and what do the digits mean?
What do I have to transfer to SPACEGOATS and what do I have to specify in the bank transfer?
How is the difference amount being calculated?
The Accounting and Billing Process at SPACEGOATS
Invoice Document Numbers at SPACEGOATS
NEW: Monthly Billing Explanation Videos
How does the billing process work at SPACEGOATS?
Why are 10% of my payout withheld every month?
Why am I still receiving bills after I have cancelled my contract?
Why do I not receive the full amount of credit for all articles I sent to Amazon?
What do I have to consider when changing the name of my company?
How much does a change of name or an account transfer cost?
How are remissions accounted for?
Monthly Billing Explanation Videos
Why is the delivered quantity on my credit note different from what I actually delivered to Amazon?
Retail invoicing process
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SPACEGOATS - Knowledge Base
Accounting & Billing
When will I receive my free month from the promotion code?
The free month(s) - meaning no charge of monthly subscription fee - will be taken into account after the third month of your membership (going forward).
Galaxy Update to Match the New Accounting System
When will I receive my bonus for recommending a new customer?
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